Episode 51: Zach Beckwith of Bend Brewing Co.
Let’s talk about fresh hop beers and how most of us have never truly experienced them properly. Zach Beckwith of Bend Brewing Co. has some thoughts.
Episode 50: Nile Zacherle of Mad Fritz Beer
When it comes to brewing beer in Napa Valley, going for the same old familiar recipes just won’t fly. Nile Zacherle of Mad Fritz Beer talks about how he sources ingredients and how he lets them define the beers he makes.
Episode 25: Preston Theony and Luke Wortendyke of Wren House Brewing
They put how many pounds of hops per barrel in their recent triple IPA?!? Listen in as two of of the brewers at Arizona’s Wren House Brewing talk about a festival beer, brewing local, and customer appreciation.