Episode 41: Brendan Watters – Ballast Point Brewing

Brendan Watters and his partners bought a billion dollar brewery in Ballast Point. And that blew a lot of minds. What happened next might be even more surprising. Perhaps it’s because we’ve been trapped in our houses and then our cities and counties and states for too long, but my mind has been on San Diego […]
Episode 40: Chris Leguizamon – Beer Educator

My guest today is Chris Leguizamon, a beer educator and marketer living and working in San Diego and one of the new voices of craft beer. Chris has worked at several of southern California’s top breweries, including Stone Brewing and Alesmith, as a tour guide and brand ambassador. From his earliest work in the industry, Chris […]
Episode 39: Tara Nurin – Beer Writer and Author
One of the biggest stories of the year has unquestionably been the mistreatment of women in the beer industry. Long simmering just below the surface, the issue rose to the surface recently on Instagram and took off from there. The erasure of women in the retelling of craft beer’s story and history has also long […]
Episode 38: Esther Tetreault – Trillium Brewing
I’ve lived in the Boston area for more than 20 years now and it’s just a weird city when it comes to beer. Perhaps due to Sam Adams and Jim Koch, the city has earned an outsized reputation in the craft beer world. Compared to any other city our size population wise, we should have […]
Episode 37: Brandon Hernández – San Diego Beer News
The debate over which is the best American beer city has raged from the earliest days of craft beer. Powerhouse names such as Portland (both Oregon and Maine), Asheville, Denver, Chicago, and others have each made convincing cases. And right there from the beginning has been San Diego, basking in its sunshine and style defining […]
Episode 36: Norm Miller of MetroWest Daily News
In the world of bars, pubs, and dives, one of the greatest signs of respect is to have a bar stool named after you. John Holl has a bar stool named after him in a Tennessee brewery. And the late great publican Don Younger of the Horse Brass Pub in Portland, Oregon, had a corner seat at […]
Episode 35: Chris Shepard of Beer Marketer’s Insights
Chris Shepard is one of the keenest voices in the craft beer industry. A Senior Editor for Craft Brew News at Beer Marketer’s Insights, he covers the trade side of the craft beer industry with wit, wisdom, and a healthy dose of skepticism. You might wonder how a trained actor and theater director found his way to writing about […]
Episode 34: Sam Calagione of Dogfish Head
Welcome back to the Beer Edge podcast. We start today with one of the most recognizable names in the beer industry at large. An aspiring rapper, occasional poet, famed brewery tinkerer, and now helping run one of the largest craft breweries in the world, Sam Calagione has had a storied and frenetic career. The co-founder […]
Episode 33: Kenny Gould of Hop Culture
This week we’re talking with writer Kenny Gould, who got his start with beer by running a tasting club in college. He was passionate about the subject so it remained on his mind after he graduated and moved to New York to work for Gear Patrol magazine. In his spare time, Kenny and a friend […]
Episode 32: Samer Khudairi
This week we’re talking to Samer Khudairi about the Boston beer scene, being a COVID lifeguard, and why he loves both classic styles and weird beers. One of the best parts of covering the beer industry is watching fresh new voices enter the space. The craft beer industry has long suffered from a tendency to highlight […]