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This episode is sponsored by:
Source Brewing Company is a sponsor of the Beer Edge podcast. The brewery is sponsoring the Inclusion & Diversity Scholarship to give people who are under-represented in the brewing industry an opportunity to get a world class brewing education and jump start their career paths. Source encourages qualified individuals to apply for a chance to receive a full scholarship to the Concise Course in Brewing Technology offered online by the Siebel Institute of Technology, America’s oldest brewing school. Source is also excited to announce their second location in the Fishtown neighborhood of Philadelphia. Opening this fall, the brewery is currently accepting applications for chef, line cooks, beertenders, and hostesses. For more information on both opportunities, please reach out to Source at [email protected].
About The Beer Edge Podcast
Every week, host Andy Crouch takes a look at the state of the beer industry, with a focus on the business and culture of beer. The Beer Edge podcast provides listeners with unparalleled insights into the beer industry. Our mission is to provide consumers and industry players alike with a fresh and unfiltered look at the world of better, flavorful beer. We seek to capture the essence and passion of brewers, both big and small, foreign and domestic, each of whom has a distinctive and colorful story to go along with the beautiful beers they produce. The Beer Edge podcast is available on all major podcast platforms.
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Beer Journalism
Beer Edge provides its readers with unparalleled insights into the business of flavorful beer. Going beyond stale, recycled news articles and press releases, Beer Edge provides its readers with original reportage. We go and talk to the sources and report stories our audience has not heard before. It is a fresh and unfiltered look at the world of beer and provides subscribers with a better understanding of the drink and business they love.